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Embrace Strength and Grace with Clayton Yoga & Barre.

Learn more about each of our classes and experience a transformative journey towards a healthier, more balanced you.

Awaken Flow

All levels are welcome for this gentle yet energizing morning flow. In this class, we’ll weave together philosophy, breathwork, mindful movement, and meditation to wake up the senses and prepare the body, mind, and soul for a fulfilling day. Leave this class feeling awake and empowered to seize the day ahead!


Barrelates is a 60-minute, full-body workout, combining barre, mat pilates, and yoga. It is the quickest way to achieve a toned, lean, dancer’s body. Every second of the class is geared to strengthening, lengthening, and toning muscles with an emphasis on endurance. This method was created by a group of medical professionals, including physicians, nurses, and physical therapists to ensure the best results. Every class is different so you will never hit a plateau. It doesn’t matter if this is your first time in class or you’re a seasoned client, because the class is taught to all levels. Many know that it is common to have a love/hate relationship with your Barrelates instructor because the class can be challenging but the fast results are worth the effort. Join us as we pulse, tuck, and tone your body into being the best you.


Come party at the Barre with the "Barre Above" program. "Barre Above" mixes an artful blend of ballet, Pilates, yoga, and strength training movements. A sequence with a purpose set to upbeat music. For all levels, ages, and body types.

Barre Express

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Barre Flow

Barre Flow is a 60-minute class broken into two 30-minute segments. The first segment is a fast, full-body Barre workout and the second segment is a slow, easy stretching series.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is a fantastic class to start with if you aren’t sure how much yoga you can do, or if you’ve had injuries or joint issues! There is no getting up or down from the floor, so it’s a wonderfully gentle practice seated in a chair where we can still build strength and focus safely, and enjoyably. We also do many stress reduction techniques, deep breathing, somatic exercises and mindfulness tips. A fun and encouraging class for all levels!

Deep Stretch

Deep stretch uses mindful techniques, such as breathwork, and long holds to completely relax the body and improve flexibility. It is suitable for all levels, including beginners.

Eternal Morning Flow

Eternal Morning Flow is a dynamic Vinyasa Flow yoga practice. This is a fluid, full body-mind-spirit class that closely links breath to movement and builds functional strength and agility in your entire being. This is a physically engaging practice with modifications offered as we flow through breath work, strong standing sequences, traditional sun salutations and poses, and end with mat work and a total body cleansing savasana to leave you glowing, strong, and stress-free.

Happy Hour Flow

It's time to drop the tension and stress and move into your weekend from a place of ease and grace. This class will incorporate some Yin postures to open the hips and lower back and a bit of flowing to get you out of your head! Afterglow with drinks and treats!

Low Impact Scuplt

Join us for a total body sculpting class that is designed for anyone looking for an overall strengthening class. This class is perfect for anyone suffering from trouble with joints, joint replacements, general osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis.

We start with a dynamic warm-up to get the blood pumping and awaken your nervous system. We use coordination and movement to improve mobility and soft tissue flexibility prior to strengthening.

After the warm-up, we focus on upper and lower body overall strength training exercises. Weights & bands provided.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Take a deep breath and unwind from the hustle and bustle of life!

Mindfulness, roughly stated, refers to a mental and emotional state that is experienced when we focus our awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting our feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. The many positive benefits of mindfulness practice for our mental, emotional and physical health have been thoroughly documented by both spiritual practitioners and academic researchers. Some of these positive benefits include:

-A greater sense of balance, connection and direction in our lives

-The ability to be more present in the moment

-Significant reductions in our stress and anxiety levels

-Increased attention spans and productivity

-The ability to cope with periods of suffering in our lives

- A general feeling of happiness and well being

In this class, we will explore together the multiple layers of mindfulness practice. We will practice breath work, mantras, loving kindness meditations, visualizations and we will even do some chanting and brief group contemplative exercises! This class is intended for those who are both new to the practice and for those who are more experienced. My heart's intent is to always create a space that is strongly inclusive, non- judgmental, loving, and open to the exploration of our inner selves. It is these qualities that are at the root of mindfulness practice.

Power Hour

Join us for a refreshing blend of Vinyasa, core and muscle strengthening, balance, postural alignment, deep tissue stretch, somatic exercise, breathwork, with a mix of yoga styles and multicultural strength training techniques, it’s always an exciting and invigorating experience! All levels are welcome and plenty of modifications are instructed as well.

Relax & Restore

Relax & Restore is designed specifically to relax and reset the nervous system, balance out hormones, stretch the fascia (connective tissue), repair joints and ligaments, and rejuvenate your mind. Using yin yoga, qi practices, Vedic Thai, somatic relaxation, Gua Sha facial yoga, lymphatic health exercises, Pranayama breathing, and multicultural stress reduction techniques, you will leave feeling relaxed, restored, and ready to face the world with confidence!


David Swenson says, "Vinyasa is the marriage of breath and movement." This class will help you breathe better, develop your body-mind connection and make you feel stronger. Flowing from pose to pose gets you out of your head and into your beautiful body. We will also practice Ahimsa (non- harming) during class in our words, our thoughts and our actions.


One of Lynne's signature yoga classes. Finding balance in life is hard. But when we approach it intelligently using both yin and yang forces we can move forward feeling grounded and stable in our lives. This class starts with 30 minutes of Yin, to help get your Chi flowing. Followed by standing and balancing postures, Yang yoga, to make you feel stronger from the inside out. A great way to start your day!

Yin with Lynn

This class targets the joint system of your body where the energy pathways called meridians flow. If the chi, lifeforce energy, is blocked dis-ease can manifest there. Yin yoga feels like a whole body massage. When the joints are healthy, they become more resilient to injury. you feel lighter, more flexible and stronger from the inside out.


Yogalates is a very fun mix of Yoga and Pilates designed to build core and muscle strength with little to no impact on joints. All levels are welcome, and modifications are instructed so you can start from where you’re at and do what you can. We all must start somewhere, and we want our fitness to be encouraging! An upbeat and enjoyable class, you will leave feeling confident and energized!

Yoga in the Yard - Bridge Creek Inn

Get some sun on your skin and your feet on the earth with this special Collab between Clayton Yoga & Barre and Bridge Creek Inn.  We will warm up and do a gentle flow in the Yard behind the property. Experience this unique class surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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